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11 April 16:00-17:30 CEST

The New European Bauhaus Festival and Creative Bureaucracy Festival - How to create a cross innovation project

Welcome to the New European Bauhaus Festival, where imagination meets sustainability and inclusivity for a beautiful future! Join the Festival from the 9th to the 13th of April in Brussels or online. This event is also part of the Creative Bureaucracy Festival 2024

As part of the Festival we are organising a practical exercise using transdisciplinary teams, to create something new, using the tools and methods developed in our project Creative Insight as a Service.

Cross Innovation can feel like a very abstract concept. In this workshop we will de-mystify it by engaging all participants in actual cross sectoral collaboration, effectively showing how it can work in reality. Participants will work together, co-creating in transdisciplinary teams, using artistic methods to find new solutions to old problems.

Cross innovation is when skills from cultural and creative industries are used within other sectors to contribute to development. There are valuable methods in the creative field which can offer other perspectives and new ways of working when introduced to finance,
industry, the public sector, or healthcare.

See the full program for the Festival here

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All you need to know

The event is held on Zoom 11th of April 16:00 - 17:29 CET.

You will learn of models and tools for Cross Innovation and then work in break-out rooms in mixed teams to create something new and exciting. And in the end present what you created to all participants.

Participants will get an email with the zoom-link and a short survey where you can tell us a bit about yourself, your background, your skills and what you are interested in.

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